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- ;-------T-------T------------------------T----------------------------------;
- ;This demo will load in a picture of any size/type and if it is larger than
- ;the screen width, it scrolls left and right. This is easily possible due
- ;to the fact that GMS likes to fill in fields that have been set at zero
- ;on initialisation, which is great for loading/displaying things like
- ;pictures.
- ;
- ;The benefits of this will become more apparent when you want to do things
- ;like changing your graphics format from ECS to AGA and vice versa. The
- ;benefits for the user are enormous (full graphical editing capabilities,
- ;if you program correctly). And you don't even need to change a line of
- ;code!
- INCDIR "GMSDev:Includes/"
- INCLUDE "dpkernel/dpkernel.i"
- SPEED = 2
- ;===========================================================================;
- ;===========================================================================;
- Start: MOVEM.L A0-A6/D1-D7,-(SP)
- move.l DPKBase(pc),a6
- lea PictureFile(pc),a0
- moveq #ID_PICTURE,d0
- CALL Load
- move.l d0,Picture
- beq.s .Exit
- moveq #ID_SCREEN,d0
- CALL Get
- move.l d0,Screen
- beq.s .Exit
- move.l Picture(pc),a0 ;a0 = Source structure.
- move.l Screen(pc),a1 ;a1 = Destination structure.
- move.l #SCR_HSCROLL,GS_Attrib(a1)
- CALL CopyStructure ;>> = Copy Picture to Screen.
- move.l Screen(pc),a0
- move.l GS_Bitmap(a0),a1
- clr.l BMP_Palette(a1)
- or.l #BMF_BLANKPALETTE,BMP_Flags(a1)
- sub.l a1,a1
- CALL Init
- tst.l d0
- beq.s .Exit
- move.l Picture(pc),a0
- move.l PIC_Bitmap(a0),a0
- move.l Screen(pc),a1
- move.l GS_Bitmap(a1),a1
- CALL Copy
- moveq #ID_JOYDATA,d0 ;Get joydata structure for reading
- CALL Get ;port 0.
- move.l d0,JoyData
- beq.s .Exit
- move.l d0,a0 ;Initialise the joydata structure.
- sub.l a1,a1
- CALL Init
- tst.l d0
- beq.s .Exit
- move.l Screen(pc),a0
- CALL Display
- bsr.s Main ;Go and do the main routine.
- .Exit move.l DPKBase(pc),a6
- move.l JoyData(pc),a0
- CALL Free
- move.l Screen(pc),a0
- CALL Free
- move.l Picture(pc),a0
- CALL Free
- MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A6/D1-D7
- moveq #ERR_OK,d0
- rts
- ;===========================================================================;
- ;===========================================================================;
- Main: move.l SCRBase(pc),a6
- move.l Picture(pc),a2
- moveq #0,d7 ;d7 = Initialise fader.
- moveq #$000000,d2
- moveq #0,d3
- move.l PIC_Bitmap(a2),a5
- move.l BMP_AmtColours(a5),d4
- .Fade1 move.l Screen(pc),a0
- CALL scrWaitVBL
- move.l Screen(pc),a0
- move.l Picture(pc),a5
- move.l PIC_Bitmap(a5),a5
- moveq #2,d1 ;d1 = Speed of fade.
- move.l BMP_Palette(a5),a1 ;a1 = Palette we are fading to.
- addq.w #8,a1
- move.w d7,d0
- CALL scrColourToPalette ;>> = Do the fade routine.
- move.w d0,d7 ;d7 = Fade counter.
- bne.s .Fade1 ;>> = If not finished, keep looping.
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- ;Loop here.
- moveq #SPEED,d2
- .loop move.l SCRBase(pc),a6
- move.l Screen(pc),a0
- CALL scrWaitAVBL
- move.l Screen(pc),a0 ;a0 = Screen
- move.l GS_Bitmap(a0),a2 ;a1 = Screen.Bitmap
- move.w GS_Width(a0),d0 ;d0 = Screen.Width
- cmp.w BMP_Width(a2),d0 ;d0 = (Screen.Width >= Bitmap.Width)?
- bge.s .done ;>> = Yes, do not scroll.
- tst.w d2
- bgt.s .Right
- .Left tst.w GS_BmpXOffset(a0)
- ble.s .RRight
- .RLeft moveq #-SPEED,d2
- bra.s .scroll
- .Right move.w BMP_Width(a2),d0 ;d0 = PicWidth.
- sub.w #320,d0
- cmp.w GS_BmpXOffset(a0),d0 ;d0 = Is (Width-320 < BmpOffset)?
- ble.s .RLeft
- .RRight moveq #+SPEED,d2
- .scroll move.w GS_BmpXOffset(a0),d0
- add.w d2,d0
- move.w GS_BmpYOffset(a0),d1
- CALL scrSetBmpOffsets
- .done move.l DPKBase(pc),a6
- move.l JoyData(pc),a0
- CALL Query
- move.l JoyData(pc),a0
- move.l JD_Buttons(a0),d0
- btst #JB_LMB,d0
- beq.s .loop
- rts
- ;===========================================================================;
- ; DATA
- ;===========================================================================;
- Screen: dc.l 0
- Picture: dc.l 0
- JoyData: dc.l 0
- PictureFile: FILENAME "GMSDev:Logos/GMSLogo-FullScreen.iff"
- ;===========================================================================;
- ProgName: dc.b "Load Picture",0
- ProgAuthor: dc.b "Paul Manias",0
- ProgDate: dc.b "January 1998",0
- ProgCopyright: dc.b "DreamWorld Productions (c) 1996-1998. Freely distributable.",0
- ProgShort: dc.b "Loads and displays any IFF picture.",0
- even